

2022-Present, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Normal University, Instructor

2015-2021, Shandong University, Ph.D

2012-2015, Shandong Normal University, M.S.

2008-2012, Dezhou University, B.S.Research Areas

Meiosis is essential for sexual reproduction and homologous recombination is the key event of meiosis. Homologous recombination begins with programmed formation of DNA double-strand breaks, which are repaired to crossovers and non-crossovers. Crossovers not only physically connect homologous chromosomes via promoting proper homologous chromosome segregation, but also give rise to reciprocal exchange of homologous chromosomes via promoting genetic diversity. Aberrant recombination often leads to gametogenic failure or produces aneuploid gametes, which in turn can cause serious reproductive problems, such as human infertility, spontaneous abortion or congenital birth defects, and crop sterility. We mainly use Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism to study the process and regulation of meiotic recombination with various methods in cell biology, genetics and biochemistry, including the identification of key homologous recombination factors and analysis of their functions and molecular mechanisms.

Key words: Meiosis; Homologous recombination; DNA double-strand break; Crossover; Homologous recombination factors

Honors and Awards


Selected Publications

1. Wang Y, Zhai B, Tan T, et al. ESA1 regulates meiotic chromosome axis and crossover frequency via acetylating histone H4. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021;49(16):9353-9373.

2. Yang X, Song M, Wang Y, Tan T, Tian Z, Zhai B, Yang X, Tan Y, Cao Y, Dai S, Wang S, Zhang L. The ubiquitin-proteasome system regulates meiotic chromosome organization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022;119(17):e2106902119.

3. Song M, Zhai B, Yang X, Tan T, Wang Y, Yang X, Tan Y, Chu T, Cao Y, Song Y, Wang S, Zhang L. Interplay between Pds5 and Rec8 in regulating chromosome axis length and crossover frequency. Sci Adv. 2021;7(11):eabe7920.

4. Shang Y, Tan T, Fan C, Nie H, Wang Y, Yang X, Zhai B, Wang S, Zhang L. Meiotic chromosome organization and crossover patterns. Biol Reprod. 2022;ioac040.

Group Members




Office addrRoom 505, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Normal University