

2018-Present, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Normal University, Instructor

2013-2018, Zhejiang University, Ph.D.

2009-2013, Central South University, B.S.

Research Areas

Reproduction is the guarantee for the continuous evolution and development of human society. The maturation of oocytes and the normal development of early embryos after fertilization are the prerequisites and foundation to ensure the reproductive process. The accurate mitotic progression depends on a series of key events in the prophase of meiosis, such as homologous chromosome pairing, synapsis and recombination. Using C. elegans as model organisms, we take advantage of genetics, cell biology and proteomics to explore the following key issues:

1. The role of cellular organelles (such as the centrosome) in meiosis;

2. Molecular mechanisms of chromosome dynamics.

Key words:meiosis, centrosome, chromosome dynamics, homologous chromosome pairing, synapsis, reproductive health

Honors and Awards


Selected Publications

  1. Feifei Qi; Jun Zhou; Min Liu*; Microtubule‐interfering agents, spindle defects, and interkinetochore tension, Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2020, 23 5(1): 26-30

  2. Feifei Qi; Fuxin Zhang; Cell cycle regulation in the plant response to stress. Front Plant Sci, 2020 Jan 30;10:1765.

  3. Feifei Qi; Qinfu Chen; Hongxia Chen; Haiyan Yan; Bo Chen; Xingfeng Xiang; Cai Liang; Qi Yi; Miao Zhang; Hankun Cheng; Zhenlei Zhang; Jun Huang; Fangwei Wang*; WAC promotes polo-like kinase 1 activation for timely mitotic entry, Cell Reports, 2018, 24(3): 545-557.

Group Members

Current Members:

Li Ji, M.S. student(2019 class)

Xiangrui Yang, M.S. student(2020 class)

Past Members:

Fuxin Zhang, M.S. student(2018 class)



Office addr:Room 532, College of Life Sciences, Shandong Normal University